Five Steps to Find Your Purpose and Gain Clarity
By Amanda Da Silva, B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed
5-minute read
Finding purpose in life is extremely powerful.
It is one of the biggest drivers in the world, one that can help you overcome most, if not all of the challenges you encounter throughout your journey. A sense of clarity is essential to discovering your purpose as it will give you the answer to the questions you have, and squash any doubts as they arise.
Clarity means having trust and confidence in your life, purpose, meaning, and goals. The combination of finding your purpose and gaining a sense of clarity will help you feel more grounded and focused on what matters to YOU the most.
5 Steps to Find Your Purpose and Gain Clarity⤵
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Why your life purpose matters
Finding your life purpose is a night and day difference for how you live your life.
Often, we wander and just live life as it comes to us.
However, having a purpose completely changes this. Every day of your life will be lived to fulfill that purpose whether that effort is life changing or miniscule. This purpose does not have to be something people find impressive, it just must be something YOU truly care about.
Your purpose might be to become a key figure in your field, help your children live a better life, or pursue a noble cause that will improve the current state of the world. Either way, defining that purpose is exactly what will give you the power and the backbone when you need it.
When times are hard, your purpose is going to drive you towards fulfilment, courage, and strength. If your life is without purpose, you will feel lost, unable to continue, and be unaware of your path.
Life without a purpose is a life without meaning and support.
Five steps to find your purpose
No.1: Know thyself
One of the most essential things you need to do to find your purpose is to first know yourself. This may seem like a bizarre step since we are ourselves at the end of the day, but many of us are doing things that are not aligned with the deep core of ourselves and who we are. Many people who have a lot of creativity often choose careers that are mundane and robotic which only leads to a soul that craves fulfilment.
The same goes for your values. You have to know what your own values are and what defines you as a person. Having values that align with yourself and with what you want in life is what it’s all about. These values are what make you stand apart; they are your identity, and you must always stand by them.
They represent what you value and what you appreciate. They define YOU!
No.2: Imagine the person you want to be
One of the easiest ways to know your purpose is to imagine what type of person you want to be in life in the future. This might take you days or weeks to reflect upon.
However, you will slowly begin to know your purpose once you know who you aspire to be. It does not have to be a clear picture. It can be a set of values and practices you want to be able to aspire to in the future such as:
● Value your time more than anything
● Being stoic
● Confident in one’s ability to make change
● Consistently shows up
No.3: Practice being self-aware
Being self-aware is a very valuable skill that will certainly help you find your purpose. Being honest with oneself is what can lead you to figuring out your starting point as well as your next step to being the best version of yourself. This takes time and effort and cannot be taken lightly.
No.4: Think about what you want to be remembered for
Death does not exist in opposition of life, but rather as a part of life.
This chilling reality can either cripple your efforts to get better or fire you up every day you think about it. There will come a time when we’re a memory, but our value is not limited to our time here in our physical body. We all have an opportunity to change the world for the better and be remembered for something. If you think about this deep enough, you will almost certainly find your purpose in life.
No.5: Take the initiative
Sometimes the best way to find out if you’re up for the challenge is to just take the challenge head on. In fact, the world of self-improvement is full of theory and mindset training that it completely misses the point. If you stand in front of the cold chilling pool, think about how freezing it would be, it will only take you longer before you jump in. You have to take action and you must not be afraid to do so. In fact, even if you make mistakes, it will only teach you more about yourself and who you are.
If anything, making mistakes teaches you about the right choices eventually. So, just ‘do it’ anyway!
Gaining clarity from finding your purpose
Finding your purpose will bring an unusual sense of clarity and simplicity in life. In fact, having an uncluttered lifestyle is one of the signs that you have found your purpose in life. Clarity after finding your purpose gives you a sense of ease and comfort in knowing that everything is going to be alright and you’re on the right path.
Nevertheless, clarity is not as easy to achieve. A life without doubts or confusion will make you less distracted or overwhelmed.
Here are a few strategies that will help you gain clarity and simplicity
Identify what actually matters
Always prioritize the people, goals, and events you truly care about in your life. Make them a priority before anything else.
Create your own space
Dedicate a space where there are no distractions. This would be your sanctuary and where you can be most creative. For me, this is my home office!
Write if your mind is too busy, read if your mind is too empty
If you feel like you have a lot on your mind, then write that down and document it. But if you feel like your thoughts aren’t well grounded, then read more.
Take one step at a time
The best way to create clarity is actually very simple and that is to only think about one thing at a time. Overcrowding your mind with too many things to do or think about will not make you better at multitasking. Instead, it will drown you in doubt and procrastination.
Observe, contemplate, and meditate
Spending time in solitude while only thinking about your actions and how they are taking effect will bring a great deal of simplicity and clarity. Sit in nature, relax your nerves and observe your life from a different point of view.
In Conclusion
Your major defining purpose is the number one goal in your life.
Your life only begins to become greater when you focus on one large goal, one mission that is bigger than any other goal in your life.
Many times, we set up goals we are incapable of accomplishing because there are too many factors outside of our control, and/or they are so large that we are, in fact, not setting a goal at all, because we know that it will never be accomplished. This can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. But no great adventurer embarks on a life-changing journey alone. You need every bit of help and support to gain more clarity and achieve your goals, and my “Discover your purpose course” will provide you with the guidance you need as you navigate through the rest of your life! You’ve got to take action and sign up today!!!
Discover Your Purpose Course
To help you identify your core values and create an action plan to find meaning and congruence, I designed a values-based, content-rich, course. I can’t wait to guide you through an exciting journey towards a better, more emotionally resilient you! 💞
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Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌