Your February Roadmap to Cultivate More Courage
By Amanda Da Silva, B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed
2-minute read
January seems to be that time of year when we press the metaphorical ‘reset’ button, convincing ourselves that it’s a new year, and consequently, time for a new version of ourselves.
We often move throughout our lives with very few moments of true contemplation. I’m sure you are able to count those on one hand (both if you’re very lucky). However, in the pursuit of this ‘reset,’ it becomes essential to question whether we genuinely desire change. These are intricate questions to grapple with. If adhering to your new year’s resolutions proves challenging, it may be due to the insidious infiltration of fear or doubt into your subconscious, whispering to you that your initial aspirations are unattainable.
Fear, when allowed to fester, often leads to stagnation.
It can prevent you from achieving your goals and pursuing exciting opportunities.
The key to a fulfilling and purposeful life boils down to daring to venture outside of your comfort zone. You may feel that your anticipation of negative or undesirable outcomes prevents you from moving forward. If you are not taking risks, then you won’t be able to make much progress in life. Perhaps this sounds familiar. If this resonates, it’s worthwhile to delve into your life and pinpoint areas where more courage is needed. If you haven’t conducted your life audit for 2023, I encourage you to download my FREE workbook to facilitate the necessary inner work, fostering the courage needed to pursue your dreams. To compliment the workbook, here’s a concise roadmap for cultivating courage and challenging fears and self-limiting beliefs!
But, before you access the FREE mini-course, take a look at some helpful steps you can use to plan your 2024 year!
Think Big
The SMART goals approach tells us that we should be setting achievable and realistic goals.
While that works as an initial step, especially if you’re new to goal-setting, you shouldn’t base all of your aspirations and resolutions on this one standard. The truth is, when we set safe and easy to accomplish objectives, we are, in a way, falling victim to the very limited preconceived notion we have of what we are capable of.
We end up unconsciously restricting our own potential because of the irrational fears we’ve internalized over time. But if we want to achieve bigger things, we need to set goals that stretch the boundaries of our comfort zone. Otherwise, we would just be “settling” for what is already available to us.
And what is motivating about the comfortable and the familiar? We don’t have to change and acquire new knowledge, skills, or expertise.
We don’t have to work any harder than we already do because our goals are just another item to tick off our to-do list at this point. What happens next is we get bored and we begin to lose our grit, our drive, and more importantly, our focus. This is why we have to set and commit to a goal that scares us a little.
Preferably one that forces us to take elaborate measures and implement insightful changes in our lives. The present “you” won’t be able to accomplish this goal, that is why it seems unachievable. But you want to become the version of yourself that is able to accomplish that goal because it is that more knowledgeable and experienced version that will bring to fruition your vision of what life should be.
Maintain a Healthy Perspective
As we’ve already established, courage is not a virtue we are born with.
It is a quality we seek to develop and cultivate in all aspects of our lives over time.
Admittedly, some people are more inclined to demonstrate courage than others. With that said, this doesn’t mean you can’t improve your ability to act from a place of bravery and valour rather than cowardice. Let me just state that fear is not a bad thing per se. Some fear is healthy and shouldn’t be suppressed.
That is the kind of fear that triggers your survival instincts in order to keep you safe. It’s designed to help you survive while other forms of fear are more inhibitive and prevent you from unlocking your full potential. Consider this an opportunity for you to learn more about who you are and where your fear comes from. Remember that there is great power in vulnerability. Learning to acknowledge and voice your fears puts you one step closer to courageous living.
Choose Action Over Inaction
Taking action in spite of feeling fearful can be tremendously empowering.
There is always doubt and uncertainty when you’re about to begin something. Doubt about the consequences, doubt about the people involved, doubt about whether you’ll be able to get the support you need, and doubt about the nature of response you will engender from others. That doubt is a given, but it can give rise to fear of rejection and failure. As a result, many people feel cornered by this uncertainty and are compelled to choose inaction over taking that first step.
Life is full of choices and moment-to-moment opportunities that we get to seize. You can’t always guarantee the success of the choices you make or their repercussions in the long run, but you have the control and power to make bold and authentic choices that honour your core values and beliefs.
The key is to base those decisions on your personal convictions rather than external influences (i.e., other people’s opinions). Making the choice to act takes tremendous courage and if you don’t leap into the life of your dreams, nobody else will make your desired outcomes a reality.
Own Your Successes & Your Failures
We all tend to paint ourselves as the victim of our circumstances, usually without even realizing it.
Our rationalizations stem from seeing life as happening to us rather than being in the driver's seat.
We have these opinions and beliefs concerning why we can’t succeed, why we can’t pursue our goals, and why we can’t attain the life we really want. Our internal narrative revolves around stripping ourselves of all control and making ourselves the subject of the universe’s whims and caprices.
No matter how eloquent or elaborate your excuses are, they’re still just that -excuses!
Recognize that it’s much easier to point the finger of blame at circumstances outside our control than to acknowledge our own mistakes and shortcomings. Not only that but it’s also a lot easier to give up when things prove to be difficult than it is to keep going and rise to the challenges time and time again. This is exactly why you need to cultivate more accountability and start taking responsibility for the choices you make (I know this can be difficult). Owning your successes AND your failures is the greatest act of courage you can ever demonstrate. The only way to do this is to consciously give yourself the space and time for introspection - to do the inner work which most people do not want to do.
Having the courage to resist viewing your fears as a defining aspect of who you are can open you up to a plethora of possibilities. Had many of our forefathers decided to limit their actions for the simple reason that they felt fearful and concerned, the world would not be what it is today. There are plenty of opportunities to be courageous in your day-to-day life and it’s up to you to choose how you respond.
Ask yourself, “How can I be brave today?”
Discover Your Purpose Course
To help you identify your core values and create an action plan to find meaning and congruence, I designed a values-based, content-rich, course. I can’t wait to guide you through an exciting journey towards a better, more emotionally resilient you! 💞
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Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, educator, entrepreneur, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 25-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌