Leadership Tips for Entrepreneurs Building a Team
By Amanda Da Silva, B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed
5-minute read
Good leadership happens every day. Growing a team that’s strong and resilient requires more than just a team-building outing once per year. To be a good leader, learn and practice the four principles below.
These leadership tips will help you build an unstoppable team.
When using words like "power" and "success" to describe a business, this is often misunderstood as a ruthless work environment. However, competitive company culture doesn't need to incite fear or apprehension.
On the contrary, successful companies thrive on leadership that inspires teamwork, collaboration, and longevity. A good leader knows how to inspire others while also maintaining a healthy competitive environment.
Four Leadership Tips That’ll Help You Build a Strong Team
Here are 4 valuable leadership tips for entrepreneurs who want to build a strong team:
1) Demonstrate Strong Visionary Skills as a Leader
As a leader, you can't expect to build and maintain a strong team without a compelling vision.
A great leader knows where they want to go, how to get there, and what success looks like. So, make sure you're actively conveying your vision both clearly and passionately.
In turn, this helps your team members understand how each of their individual efforts contributes to bigger goals. Your tenacity, persistence, and enthusiasm will inspire others to do the same.
Ultimately, your vision becomes the whole team's vision.
2) Effective Communication Is Key to Being a Good Leader
We can't talk about admirable leadership without talking about effective communication and interpersonal skills.
A good leader knows how to motivate their team to overcome challenges and complete tasks in the best way possible.
It's worth mentioning that you also need to develop an understanding of the different behavioural styles within your team. This allows you to tailor your communication to each particular individual.
Understanding behavioural styles will give you insight on the best leadership reactions to adopt.
Effective communication entails more than attentive listening and appropriate responses. It's also soliciting innovation and new ideas, clearing misunderstandings, and inspiring your team members.
3) Be Perceptive of Your Team's Needs
All great leaders surround themselves with talented, bold, and loyal team members.
Your business is as successful as the people working in it. So, you need to be extremely perceptive of your team's needs.
If you strive to retain committed people in your organization, you have to create a productive and inspiring work environment. This can only happen through establishing a company culture where your team members can thrive and flourish.
You should also aim to accommodate your team members' needs and contribute to their personal growth and development.
This is not only an excellent strategy for employee retention, but it also shows how compassionate and considerate of a leader you are.
4) Celebrate Successes and Failures
Celebrating successes allows your team members to see that great things can happen through collaboration and hard work.
No matter how big or small of a milestone, praise and words of encouragement are vital for morale. Be sure to work on showing your staff that their efforts are seen, valued, and appreciated. This helps each individual feel visible and know that the work they're doing is impactful.
We need to remember the inspirational words of Maya Angelou, "People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
On the other hand, when failures occur, gather your team and help them redirect their efforts.
Help them see the silver lining and allow them to turn this failure into an opportunity for learning and growth. Avoid throwing the blame on a particular individual. Instead, give them equal responsibility to figure out the next steps to take.
Leadership Success Is a Process
Building a successful team doesn't happen overnight. It's a collaborative effort that involves everyone feeling motivated to do their part. Your job is to showcase excellent leadership skills that inspire others to put their heads together and reach higher-level goals!
Now, go make it happen!
The Takeaway
Building a strong team takes time and commitment. But it doesn’t have to take as long as you might think. Using solid leadership strategies, you can unite and build a team that gets your company great results. Focus on the following:
Strengthen your vision and communicate it clearly.
Develop your communication skills.
Know what your team members’ need to feel fulfilled.
Celebrate successes and failures—never forget that how you make people feel lasts longer in people’s minds than anything else you do.
What strategies are you using to build a strong team?
Share your strategies and tactics in the comments below!
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for Personal Growth
Hi! I’m Amanda Da Silva.
I’m a mother of two boys, a wife, daughter, teacher, entrepreneur, former CEO, and life-long learner. I’m all about personal growth, community 💕, and being of service. (Find out more about me here.) In addition to being passionate about personal development, I’m an educator and coach with 20-years experience teaching and leading in the BC school system. I have a B.Hkin, B.Ed, and M.Ed, specializing in leadership and administration. Creating community and leading thriving teams are two of my favourite things to do. I also love helping people live empowered and growth-oriented lives.
I hope you’ll join me as we build our success together! 🙌